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Wentz did his best point guard impression to start the game. He targeted eight receivers in the first half for 14 completions, 128 yards and a touchdown. The franchise quarterback and his favorite target, Ertz, dominated the Bears' passing defense, connecting on five completions for 72 yards and a touchdown in the first half.. cheap jerseys All motion based media wholesale nfl jerseys formats, including Video, operate on the exact same fundamental process, whereby multiple still images are displayed in sequential order through a frame one at a time in rapid succession to produce the illusion wholesale nfl jerseys of motion. That illusion is dependent on the rate of those images exceeding the human eye's ability to distinguish them individually (10 14 frames per second), and the size of the frame they are displayed in remaining constant throughout the entirety of the sequence. This constant size must restrict viewing to a single image at a time, or the illusion is broken...c...